The Search

I sought Him in Congregations, Where Christians knelt in Prayer.

Oh ! Surely He is on Calvary, On the Cross? He was not there.

I sought Him where heathen worship In Temple and in shrine;

But wherever I’d turn, I’d only learn How fruitless this search of mine.

I journeyed to the distant Herat and Kandahar,

O’er hill and glen I’d ask of men; None knew Him, near or far.

I scaled the rugged mountain and gazed from Oaf’s lone peak;

The birds of the air had nested there, All else was bare and bleak.

I asked the sage of Sina; He knew not where He’d stay.

In Gabriel’s court in Heaven I sought And empty turned away.

Silent and Still, my searching eyes within my heart did roam.

And lo !, the light of His presence bright !

T’was there, t’was there His Home.

– Sun of Tabriz.


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