A Prayer RunsDear Master !,
I am Completely Ignorant,
I fail Absolutely……what to ask from Thee.
Whatever You deem Appropriate, Grant me Just that,
Also grant me the Strength as well the Discretion,
To be happy in whatever You grant me and
Wherever and How-So-Ever You keep me.
I lack fine Virtues, and have no Devoutness towards Thee,
All my Deeds are Dark and full of Sins.
I lack all Goodnesses,
The Oh! so powerful Mind has absolutely crushed me.
Dear Master !,
To a Misdemeanor as me,
There is no shelter & Solace other than Thy Holy Feet.
Please have Mercy on this sinner and grant Asylum unto Thee.
I ask for nothing else,
Please have Mercy on this sinner and grant Asylum unto Thee.
I ask for nothing else,
Make me thy Slave,
So I may become Thine and Thee mine.

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